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Celebrity News

What will it cost for Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan to split time between the UK and Canada?

Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan are moving forward with their controversial plan to step down as senior members of the British royal family and relocate, part-time, to Canada, after Queen Elizabeth II approved a “period of transition” for the young royals. And while the couple have said they intend to work towards becoming financially independent, it’s unclear who will cover costs for things like their security when they’re in Canada. On Monday, Jan. 13, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau told a local TV station: “…there are still a lot of decisions to be taken by the royal family, by the Sussexes themselves, as to what level of engagement they choose to have and these are things that we are obviously supportive of their reflections, but have responsibilities in that as well,” according to CNN. He added that “there are discussions going on” about the matter currently. “We are not entirely sure what the final decisions will be, what the dispositions are and those are the decisions for them. I think most Canadians are very supportive of having royals here, but how that looks and what kind of cost is involved, there are still lots of discussions to be had,” he explained. Page Six, meanwhile, has reported UK police are concerned the cost of protecting the royals after their move will balloon. The Queen, who met with Harry, Prince Charles and Prince William on Monday, has reportedly ordered a formal, final plan to be created this week.

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